Colorado Town of Hugo Freaks Out Over THC Water!

Good News! Town of Hugo Figures Out How to Put THC in Your Drinking Water!
This is a story I just could not pass by. Usually freaky yellow journalism comes up with incredible stories that make cannabis into the evil marijuana. You know? The kind that rapes your daughter and children and makes them do the nasty on the White House lawn. But this kind of story just brings you to the understanding that education is a long shot even in government and its functionaries.

The Lincoln County Sheriff Tom Nestor office launched a criminal investigation into the poisoning of the town well. Nestor had the town water put on restrictions and told local residents to avoid the drinking water because THC, the psychoactive agent in marijuana, was found in a feeder well. This was after an alleged field-testing kit showed the possible THC contamination.
Famous Capt. Michael Yowell says there is evidence that a well in Hugo, Colorado, is contaminated with THC, which is the principal psychoactive chemical, found in cannabis. Why famous? Well it seems the town of Hugo thought this was such a big story they spread it out to such outlets as Time, ABC, CNN, Denver Post, KDVR, and others. All of them warning of the “fact” that terrorists may have poisoned the towns water with THC.

Hugo is a tiny town of 722 residents about 100 miles southeast of Denver, according to 2013 Census Bureau statistics. Colorado began allowing the sale of recreational marijuana on Jan. 1, 2014.
Yowell said the department had been receiving complaints from some residents about the water, which prompted the tests. Perhaps the smell of bud growing nearby was affecting their judgement?
“The level of concentration of THC in the water is yet unknown and will be determined by tests being carried out by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation,” Yowell said.
The people of Hugo were told not to drink, cook, or bath in the water for at least 48 hours. Later, on a Saturday morning, Lincoln County Public Health decided to make a face book post that “The municipal water in the Town of Hugo is SAFE.” Well, I guess face book is a better outlet than the news, radio, or TV in Hugo.
Hugo is a tiny town of 722 residents about 100 miles southeast of Denver, according to 2013 Census Bureau statistics. Colorado began allowing the sale of recreational marijuana on Jan. 1, 2014.
Now, we here at Cannabis Farmer want to know how water can have THC in it? Since it is not water soluble you have to ask, what were the testing people smoking? Cannabis Farmer finds it strange that Nestor nor Yowell were not providing intelligent leadership or law enforcement for the township. The Sheriff department’s credo: “Park County Sheriff’s Office is to provide honest and reliable service to its citizens. “ Telling anyone that water contains THC is neither honest nor reliable information. Were the agents in government looking for press; was the level of training and education so thin that no one there understood what they were talking about?
Perhaps the town will get to the bottom of who in the world is testing their water because that THC reading came from someone’s hand and someone’s hand was in the tom-foolery that made the whole town look the fool. In the meantime the State’s Bureau of Investigation will waste time and money to find out who put THC in the water, how THC can be put in water, and why these small town folk think they are so stoned their water gets them high. Maybe it is in the silver bullet?
Yep,I live in this town,ive smoked pot 40 yrs,I’m from denver,but been in hugo 20 yrs,yep backwards fools run this county,corruption.