Rototom Reggae Festival Sees Big Bust

Rototom Reggae Festival Sees Big Bust

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Arriving at the Rototom Reggae festival in Benicassim, the daughter of the president of the courts, Enric Moreara, was pulled over and busted for drugs.

Everyone knows that Rototom is merely a great smoke fest. More like the rock tours of past days but focused on the Rasta lifestyle. It makes for a great reason to get together with other lovers of the weed and chill to amazing music. This makes it a big money maker for local and national police to put people through the court system. The very system this girls father is president of.

Well, Enric Moreara’s daughter was just another face in the crowd so the National Police pulled them over for one of their random stops. Of course they station right there at the entrance/exit to the event. Better to spot stoners.

Well Moreara’s daughter was traveling with a couple mates and they found a huge stash of amphetamines, MDMA, and some cannabis. There was a catch, much of this stash was in individually wrapped packages ready for sale and consumption.

When asked about this, I mean come on, the guy is the president of all the courts, he merely asked for family privacy. In Spain, by law, that is the deal. Rich keep their privacy in crime.

It will be interesting to see if the special treatment of the president of the courts influences here. I am assuming this story will dissolve as the charges disappear. Give it a year or two and forget …

In the meantime just make sure you pack your stuff well when you go to Rototom and use it all! Don’t leave with anything but a smile. Wait until you get home and everything gonna be alright.

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